
Du’a (Dua) – worship of Allah

In islam on November 30, 2008 at 1:03 pm

Du’a or Dua (as it is commonly written) a prayer of asking or request in Islam. It is an Arabic word meaning ‘to call out’ or to summon. It is regarded as the second greatest acts of worship in Islam.

The Qur’an quotes Allah’s commands related to Dua:

“Call on Me; I will answer you!”

Prophet Muhammad spoke of it as the most noble act of a Muslim. He called it the ‘best form of worship’.

Kinds of Dua:
There are essentially two types of supplication or Dua – a Du’a al-mas’alah (Dua of Asking) and a Du’a al-ibadah (Dua of Worship).

A dua is called Du’a al-mas’alah (Dua of Asking) when the supplicant asks Allah for something. It may be a need or a request to remove some danger.

One best example is:
Rabbi la tadharni fardaw wa-anta Khairul Waritheen
O my Lord! Leave me not without offspring, though thou art the best of inheritors

A dua is called Du’a al-ibadah (Dua of Worship) when the supplicant worships Allah in his prayer. Usually even some Duas of asking are also considered Duas of Worship because even Dua of Asking engages in worship of the Almighty. But dua of worship is best described when the prayer offered does not include any request for a fulfillment of need.

Bismillahi, al-ladhi, La illaha illa huwa
In the Name of Allah. There is no God but He.

Other examples include duas given during salat, zakaat or fasts.


  • When you type or mentally chant a du’a on 9dozen do it with utmost devotion and faith.
  • Certain duas have a prescribed number of times to be chanted and it’s better to follow those prescriptions
  • Set aside a regular time for dua and the time of the day depends on the kind of dua chosen.
  • Start now. You can start offering dua right now.

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